Tous les nom - All the names

Retrouver tous les noms et dates de décès des soldats américains décédés dans l’Yonne du 17/08/1918 au 09/06/1919

Find all names and death dates of american soldiers dead in Yonne from the 17/08/1918 to 09/06/1919 (date : DD/MM/YYYY)

  1. ISMERT Albert H. 17/08/1918
  2. SUMMERS Ralph W. 29/08/1918
  3. FRYE George N. 07/09/1918
  4. ISOM Claude 07/09/1918
  5. OVERALL George W. 08/09/1918
  6. KOEPPEN Herman J. 12/09/1918
  7. LORENZO Pasquale M. 12/09/1918
  8. BERRY Arthur 16/09/1918
  9. SMITH Frank 16/09/1918
  10. DENO Clarence F. 17/09/1918
  11. GALLOWAY Archie 17/09/1918
  12. IGOE Edmund J. 17/09/1918
  13. JAMES Charlie F. 17/09/1918 - Grandnephew found
  14. SNOWDEN Leland J. 17/09/1918
  15. BROWN John 18/09/1918
  16. CONLEY Boyd F. 18/09/1918
  17. LARSON Curty 18/09/1918
  18. LOGAN Henry 18/09/1918
  19. TALBOT Omer J. 18/09/1918
  20. FOUNTAIN Walter S. 19/09/1918
  21. BOOKER Claude S. 21/09/1918
  22. DONBIER Frank W. 21/09/1918 - relative found
  23. STOLP William Otto 24/09/1918
  24. POPP Otto V. 25/09/1918
  25. COLLIER Harry K. 28/09/1918
  26. EVANS Nelson B. 28/09/1918
  27. BROXTON Willie A. 03/10/1918
  28. BURCHETT Grade 05/10/1918
  29. HALLETT Stanley S. 05/10/1918
  30. ROSS Samuel 05/10/1918
  31. ROBERTS George N. 06/10/1918
  32. WOODWARD George B. 06/10/1918
  33. BERRENS Nicholas 07/10/1918 - Grandniece found
  34. BLUMKE Paul 07/10/1918 - Relative found
  35. LENGEL Peter S. 07/10/1918
  36. GRIMM Wilbur 08/10/1918
  37. GILLIS Maurice Marvine 09/10/1918
  38. LOCKARD Ulysses Roy 10/10/1918
  39. GREEN Charles F. 10/10/1918
  40. ARMSTRONG Derry 11/10/1918
  41. BELLMAIER Leonard J. 13/10/1918
  42. ROLLINS Louis G. 13/10/1918
  43. COCO John 14/10/1918
  44. DAWSON Henry J. 14/10/1918
  45. PAGANO Nicholas 15/10/1918
  46. WHITE Vernon 15/10/1918
  47. DILWORTH Roswell H. 16/10/1918 - relative found
  48. SCHOCK John 17/10/1918 - picture by a local citizen
  49. HILBERT James A. 18/10/1918
  50. BANKFORD Edward J. H. 19/10/1918
  51. DAVIS Charles E. 20/10/1918
  52. WANGER Andrew E. 22/10/1918 - relative found
  53. DAVIDSON Robert H. 29/10/1918
  54. TREMBLEY Wilfred 01/11/1918
  55. DAVIS Roy L. 03/11/1918
  56. WITT Amos 04/11/1918
  57. MUNN James E. 08/11/1918 - nephew found
  58. HUFFSTATER Leon D. 10/11/1918
  59. THOMASSON Willard Wilmer 11/11/1918
  60. NORTH William 12/11/1918
  61. YOUNG Paul 14/11/1918 - relative found
  62. JOHNSON Van 15/11/1918
  63. DAVIS Frederick 16/11/1918
  64. ENIZIATO Mariano 16/11/1918
  65. MANN Henry M. 16/11/1918
  66. MARRI Frank 24/11/1918
  67. WALLINGFORD Henry 28/11/1918
  68. ROBERTSON Frank H. 09/12/1918
  69. TODD Richard B. 09/12/1918
  70. WESTBROOK James M. 12/09/1918
  71. PETERSON Oscar E 19/12/1918
  72. STEDMAN James M. 19/12/1918
  73. BLACK John W. 23/12/1918
  74. DAVIS Earle M. 25/12/1918
  75. PARKER Melton E. 29/12/1918
  76. POWERS Bernis W. 29/12/1918
  77. RECTOR Grant W. 29/12/1918
  78. BAIRD Joseph A. 03/01/1919
  79. CAMPBELL Felix S. 03/01/1919
  80. CARLIN William Jr 05/01/1919
  81. HECKLER Harry 05/01/1919
  82. RUSSELL Dewitt E. 05/01/1919
  83. CALABRO Santo 07/01/1919
  84. CLANCY Harry M. 08/01/1919 - relative found
  85. LADD Enoch E. 08/01/1919
  86. BIEGDA Frank M. 10/01/1919
  87. CARROLL William R. 13/01/1919
  88. WHEELER Luella M. 14/01/1919 - Only woman - Nurse in Camp Hospital #50 (Tonnerre)
  89. WARRICK Charles 19/01/1919
  90. PERKINS Arthur E. 21/01/1919
  91. GRIER William L. 23/01/1919
  92. TILLMAN John 26/01/1919
  93. MAY William F. 27/01/1919
  94. GARIN Edward J. 30/01/1919
  95. REDMOND John H. 30/01/1919
  96. CHAMBERLAND Julius 02/02/1919
  97. KLAUS Robert C. 04/02/1919
  98. MITCHELL Ferris A. 05/02/1919
  99. LUDWIG Charles Y. 06/02/1919
  100. WISE Harry W. 06/02/1919
  101. DARCY Patrick A. 07/02/1919
  102. HASTINGS Homer W. 07/02/1919
  103. LANE Ray 07/02/1919
  104. MALLOY John L. 07/02/1919
  105. BELL Huot T. 08/02/1919
  106. GLASS James 08/02/1919
  107. GRIFFIN William 08/02/1919
  108. HENNESSEY William J. 09/02/1919
  109. MEADOR Claude F. 09/02/1919
  110. SANDERS Jasper R. 10/02/1919 - relative found
  111. ADOUE Bertrand 11/02/1919
  112. SELLE William F. 11/02/1919 - grandnephew found
  113. ELY Harvey I. 12/02/1919
  114. EMERT Russel S. 13/02/1919
  115. GUM Arthur Roy 13/02/1919
  116. LEWIS Willie O. 14/02/1919
  117. MURPHY James J 14/02/1919 - grandnephew found
  118. BECKER Herman F. 15/02/1919
  119. WETHERSTINE Harry H. 16/02/1919
  120. FARMER William V. 17/02/1919
  121. HALL Perney 17/02/1919
  122. WARENSFORD Elmer L. 17/02/1919
  123. WIND Frank P. 17/02/1919
  124. INGRAM Milton T. 18/02/1919
  125. O'REILLY John J. 18/02/1919 - grandniece found
  126. BUCHANAN James W. 19/02/1919
  127. JOHNSON M. Clark 19/02/1919
  128. KENDRICK Clarence D. 19/02/1919
  129. SMITH Sidney 19/02/1919 - relative found
  130. Mc NELIS John J. 20/02/1919
  131. FLANAGAN Patrick J. 21/02/1919
  132. HILL John E. 21/02/1919
  133. SCHUMPERT George G. 21/02/1919
  134. PETERS Edward J. 22/02/1919
  135. MOONEY John L. 23/02/1919 - relative found
  136. GROVER Otho L. 24/02/1919
  137. GUTHRIE Marlin S. 24/02/1919
  138. SONNER Howard S. 24/02/1919
  139. ASHE Anthony D. 25/02/1919
  140. HEIM Harry R. 25/02/1919 - relative found
  141. LINKHAUER Albert J. 26/02/1919  - relative found
  142. RIGGAN Edward C. 26/02/1919
  143. WALKER Thomas C. 26/02/1919
  144. WARES Eugene M. 26/02/1919
  145. BARBER Archie E. 27/02/1919
  146. JOHNSON George W. 27/02/1919
  147. LEE Jeptha D. 01/03/1919
  148. O'MALLEY Martin A. 01/03/1919
  149. GALLAGHER James E. 02/03/1919
  150. BROWN Alexander P. 03/03/1919 - relative found
  151. BAYLY Louis H. 04/03/1919
  152. KENYON Arthur T. 05/03/1919
  153. CROSS Charles L. 06/03/1919
  154. HOFFMAN Paul C. 06/03/1919
  155. TURNER Robert B.07/03/1919 - relative found
  156. CHRISTIAN Wheeler 09/03/1919
  157. CONNELLY Edward J. 10/03/1919
  158. ANDERSON Will E. 11/03/1919
  159. HAVENS George L. 11/03/1919 - relative found
  160. POUNSTONE Thomas C. 11/03/1919
  161. ORNE Edward E. 13/03/1919
  162. WEDDLE Charles E. 14/03/1919
  163. WADDELL Albert J. 15/03/1919
  164. CADE James H. 18/03/1919  - relative found
  165. CADE Dee F. 25/03/1919
  166. PISTER Reno 27/03/1919
  167. SEELEY Orin S. 30/03/1919
  168. FRICK Edwin G. 02/04/1919
  169. GABRENJA Tony 13/04/1919
  170. KRAFT Joseph F. 13/04/1919
  171. MORELOS Salvador 24/04/1919 - grandniece found
  172. WILCOX Alfred 02/05/1919
  173. SMART Oliver E. 19/05/1919
  174. SPONSLER Murl E. 09/06/1919
  175. UNKNOWN Soldier x - 18th infantry company I
Connaissez-vous ces hommes ou cette femme ? Nous recherchons des portraits mais également leur famille !
Do you know these men or this woman ? We are searching portraits and also relatives !

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Commentaires: 1
  • #1

    James Ellie Munn (jeudi, 14 octobre 2021 23:24)

    This is my Uncle. There were 2 “declarations” from the French Government about James Ellie Munn. I had them…loaned to a ,now, deceased cousin and his family can’t find them! Suggestions??

    John Max Munn

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Site réalisé par Lucie AUBERT avec la collaboration de Magali VILLETARD ainsi qu'avec les recherches faites par les membres du site


Website created by Lucie AUBERT with the collaboration of Magali VILLETARD with also the researches made by the members of the website