Tonnerre Doughboys

Soldat inconnu - Unknown soldier 7th division
Field Clerk KENYON Arthur T. 1st Division

Wag. WIND Frank P. 36th Div
PVT. WILCOX Alfred 816th pioneer

Nurse WHEELER Luella M.
PFC. CHRISTIAN Wheeler . 36th Div

PVT. WESTBROOK James M. 36th Div
PVT WEDDLE Charles Emmett 414th Telegraph Battalion

PVT WARRICK Charles 80th Division
Driver WARES Eugene M. 36th Division

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Site réalisé par Lucie AUBERT avec la collaboration de Magali VILLETARD ainsi qu'avec les recherches faites par les membres du site


Website created by Lucie AUBERT with the collaboration of Magali VILLETARD with also the researches made by the members of the website